
Professor Tianzi Jiang visit WIPM

time:   2019-11-12 00:00    hits:7103

On November 12th, 2019, Professor Jiang Tianzi from Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences was invited by Professor Xin Zhou to visit the Institute of Precision Measurement Science and Technology Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the Precision Measurement Institute) as the 13th speaker of the “Lectures on Biomedical and Physical Mathematics”. He made a report entitled “Brain network group map and its application in brain cognition and brain diseases”. The report was hosted by Professor Xin Zhou.

Professor Tianzi Jiang is the director of Brain Network Research Center, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the director of Beijing Key Laboratory of Brain Network Group, the foreign academician of European Academy of Sciences (MAE), the Fellow of American College of Medical and Biological Engineering, the winner of The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the Yangtze River scholar Professor and the chief scientist of the 973 project. In July 1984, he received B.S. degree from Lanzhou University; in June 1992 and June 1994, he obtained master degree and Ph.D. in science from Zhejiang University. His main research areas include multimodal cross-scale brain network group mapping, brain network fusion and early prediction and precision treatment of brain diseases.

During the report, Professor Tianzi Jiang first introduced the background and contents of brain network group and brain network group map, including the definition of brain network group, the differences between brain network group and brain connection group, the main research direction of brain network group, the idea of brain network group mapping and the essential differences between the existing brain maps. Then he introduced how to analyze advanced cognitive functions such as memory, language and emotion from the brain network group map at the macro scale and the applications of brain network group map in early prediction and precise treatment of brain diseases. Finally, he summarized the future research directions of brain network group maps.

After the report, Professor Tianzi Jiang had an active communication with the teachers and students, which increased our understanding of the brain network group map.