
Professor Wu of HUST Visit WIPM

time:   2016-06-20 00:00    hits:6296

In June 20, 2016, Professor Yue Wu from Huazhong University of Science and Engineering & Country Pulsed Magnetic Field Science Center visited Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences at the invitation of Academician Chaohui Ye and Professor Xin Zhou, and gave a good report named "Nanoconfined and interfacial water: unique effects in electro chemical processes and ligand binding" in Wang Tianjuan forum (the 12th report).

Professor Wu admitted to Peking University in 1978 and transferred to Department of Physics, University of Leuven, Belgium in 1979. He got a bachelor degree in 1983. Then, he continued to devote himself in solid physics research under Prof. Andre Stesmans. He received his Ph.D in December, 1987. Between 1988-1991,he engaged in postdoctoral research in solid NMR at Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, under the tutelage of Professor Alex Pines.He taughtphysics astronomy in College of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), the United States since 1991. And nowhe is a class professor in University of North Carolina (Kenan Distinguished Professor), Thousands of People Plan Distinguished Professor of HUST, the American Physical Association (APS Fellow). The main advantage at NMR methods in nano-materials, metallic glass, condensed matter physics research. He has published more than 120 papers include Nature, Science, Nature Communications and so on.

During the report, Professor Wu started his research from common particularity of interactions between water and hydrophobic surface, which particularity has great significance in the basic and applied aspects. For example, general anesthesia makes people temporarily lose their intuition, but the mechanism of general anesthesia responsible for protein is still a mystery. Professor Wu is trying to explain this mechanismby molecules selectively trigger general anesthesia binding protein up. In addition, Professor Wudescribe a wonderful prospect when people break through the model of super capacitor electrolyte that electrically neutral assumptions.

Academician Ye, Professor Zhou and other teachers and students participated this report. Both of uslaunched in-depth and extensive discussions with Professor Wu, which added something of significance for academic exchanges between multidisciplinary.