
Chutian Metropolis Daily-- Ultrasensitive MRI: the potential technology for early diagnosis of lung diseases

time:   2012-06-01 00:00    hits:6381

 According to the latest data of Ministry of Health, the incidence of lung disease increased 465% during the past 30 years. Hence, lung cancer has become first in mortality outside liver cancer and cardiovascular diseases. However, Ph.D. Zhou Xin, PI of the ultrasensitive magnetic resonance research group, and his team has achieved gratifying results in the study of lung imaging.

Ph.D. Zhou is one of several researchers in the world who hold the key technologies of hyperpolarized instrument. He showed reporters in the laboratory the advanced equipment used for the diagnosis and treatment of major lung diseases. The molecular probes and molecular imaging techniques could be used to detect such ultralow concentrations of substances that it will support the early detection of cancer and tumors.

The technologies are original and advanced in the world. More importantly, WIPM owns the techniques with independent intellectual property rights. The achievements are in the foundation of the fundamental work of magnetic resonance technology done by several generations of scientists during the last 30 years. Because of the advantages, the technologies have enormous potential in the public health field and will make great contributes to our society. Currently, the researchers use the system in animal and preclinical trials.

Original link:  June 1, 2012, "Chutian Metropolis Daily", version 69,

