
WIPM attended The Fourth Asia-Pacific NMR Symposium

time:   2011-10-24 00:00    hits:6286

The Fourth Asia-Pacific NMR Symposium was successfully held in Beijing on October 16 to 19, there were more than 180 well-known experts in the field of magnetic resonance, young scholars and graduate students from the Asia-Pacific region to participate in this event, including 110 foreign representatives. The meeting including of three keynote reports, five plenary reports, 33 invited lectures and 30 young scientists reports, while more than 90 papers as poster sessions. During the meeting not only from the Asia-Pacific region's leading research institutes participated, but also attracted the students from many other universities in Beijing, Shanghai, Hefei and Wuhan.

Conference invited the deputy editor of famous magazine Cell, Harvard Medical School Professor Gerhard Wagner; the Associate editor of the J. Magn. Reson. German Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Professor Christian Griesinger; the U.S. National High Field Laboratory, director of the NMR program, professor Timothy Cross; Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Professor Yuyun Shi, Taiwan Academia Sinica Distinguished Research Fellow, Professor Huang Taihuang, editorial of J. Biomol. NMR, Spectroscopy, and J. Magn. Reson. Professor Kainosho Masatsune, Canada Research Chairman of tumor structural biology Professor Mitsuhiko Ikura, and Chairman of the Third Asia-Pacific NMR Symposium, Professor Choi Byong Seok have done wonderful Invited lectures.

Asia-Pacific NMR Symposium held every two years, the Asia-Pacific countries and regions holding take turns. It was the first time this international conference held in China. The conference was funding by Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation. Conference organized by the Asia Pacific Society of Magnetic Resonance, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics Institute (WIPM, CAS) and Peking University co-host. During the time, Mai-Li Liu was elected as member of the International Advisory Committee, also decided the next meeting held in Australia in 2013.

WIPM and the State Key Laboratory of Spectroscopy and Atomic and Molecular Physics, Wuhan Magnetic Resonance Centre gave a strong support for this meeting. the International Advisory Board of Asia-Pacific Society of Magnetic Resonance also played an important role.

This session is the highest level of Asia-Pacific region in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance, this meeting has played a very important role for promoting the development of NMR in the Asia-Pacific region.

Thanks these companys sponsoring this meeting: Bruker Biospin International (Gold), JS Research (Dalian) NMR (gold), Agilent Technologies (China) (silver), Biolab (Great Creative Technology), Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, JEOL (Beijing).

(WIPM: WIPM attended The Fourth Asia-Pacific NMR Symposium)