
Dr. Scott Seltzer Visited and Gave a seminar to WIPM

time:   2011-08-25 00:00    hits:6355

With the invitation of Professor Xin Zhou, Dr. Scott Seltzer from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, visited Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, and gave a seminar entitled "Atomic Magnetometers: the Most Sensitive Magnetic Field Detectors" on August 22nd.
Dr. Scott Seltzer firstly introduced the basic principles of optical pumping alkali-metal atomic magnetometers from a historical point. Then, based on his Ph.D. work at the Department of Physics in Princeton University, he interpreted a latest atomic magnetometer, spin-exchange relaxation free (SERF) magnetometer, which has the highest magnetic field sensitivity up to a level of 1fT/Hz^1/2, and is able to detect the ultralow magnetic field induced by the human brain. Dr. Seltzer also described another kind of atomic magnetometer, the radio frequency (RF) magnetometer, which is suitable for laser-detected magnetic resonance. Both SERF and RF magnetometers show great applications in bio-magnetic field detections, chemical analysis, oil well logging, geophysics and fundamental physics.

It was an introductive seminar, but the audiences show tremendous interests in the details of atomic magnetometers, professors and students asked a bunch of questions and they were carefully answered by Dr. Seltzer.

--The Academic Report--