
Dr. Vikram Bajaj Visited and Gave a seminar to WIPM

time:   2011-08-25 00:00    hits:6284

On August 22, 2011, Dr. Vikram Bajaj, invited by Prof. Xin Zhou, from the UC Berkeley Lawrence National Laboratory visited Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics (WIPM) and gave a talk entitled "Unconventional NMR and MRI for Complex Chemical Analysis"

On August 22, 2011, Dr. Vikram Bajaj, invited by Prof. Xin Zhou, from the UC Berkeley Lawrence National Laboratory visited Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics (WIPM) and gave a talk entitled "Unconventional NMR and MRI for Complex Chemical Analysis"

In this talk, Dr. Bajaj introduced several new techniques based on the concept of unconventional NMR developed in this decade, namely "hyperpolarization", "microfluidic devices", "remote detection" and "magnetometer". Those new techniques show several important superiorities comparing with conventional NMR. Firstly, measurement sensitivity, the intrinsic limitation of conventional NMR, is greatly improved. Secondly, the time scale of the observation object is enlarged so that some short time existence which cannot be observed may become NMR detectable. Thirdly, the limitation of the size of coil to the measured sample is also remitted in some degree. Those techniques can be stand alone and also combined for further development. Some applications of those techniques in analytical chemistry were presented which confirms their great potential for the promotion of NMR techniques.

The talk contains several results published in the high level scientific journals, i.e. Science?JACS?JMR as well as some unpublished results.

--The Academic Report--