
Dr. Vikram Bajaj Visited and Gave a seminar to WIPM

time:   2011-03-14 00:00    hits:6167

With the invitation of Professor Xin Zhou, Dr. Vikram Bajaj who is from University of California Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, paid 2-days academic visit to WIPM of CAS on March 7th to 9th, 2011. He presented his research report entitled "Extending the limits of sensitivity and resolution in NMR and MRI".

Dr. Bajaj received his doctor degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, during his Ph.D program he developed dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) device with the world highest microwave frequency (250GHz) and utilized it in the research of the protein. In his follow postdoctoral research, he engaged in sensitive magnetic resonance method and technical research.

In the report, Dr Bajaj introduced the high field DNP related theory, design and engineering, covering the details of all the items in 250GHz DNP device and also the technical details in the recent developed 460GHz DNP device in 16.5T. Simultaneously, he recommended some practical examples using DNP device, including how to enhance polarizability of solid membrane protein samples in condition of Magic-Angle Spinning, and further nuclear distance?torsional horn structure information extraction experiments, which can hardly be done in non polarized condition.

Apart from the participation in research report, Dr Bajaj also visited NMR laboratory and discussed with staffs and students in their respective work during his visit. Dr Bajaj showed great interest in the own R&D hyperpolarized Xe device and expressed the desire of deeper cooperation in future.

--The Academic Report--

--The Academic Report--